NHADACA Training:
: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Informed Approaches for Interprofessional Health Teams
WhenMarch 18, 2022
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
LocationRemote via Zoom
PRESENTATION: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) is an organic, permanent, brain-based disability resulting from prenatal alcohol exposure. FASD often goes undiagnosed and can have lifelong implications which may manifest in a range of difficulties to include adaptive behavior, attention, cognition, executive functioning, and memory. FASD is often broken down into primary and secondary disabilities. Damage done to the brain due to prenatal alcohol exposure is considered a primary disability and may include trouble with abstract reasoning, organization, planning, recalling a sequence of events or connecting cause and effect relationships. Secondary disabilities are those not present at birth, but occur later in life and include disrupted school experience, substance misuse, mental health problems and involvement with law enforcement.
FASD is known as the “invisible disability” as over 80% of individuals with an FASD have no discernible facial abnormalities. Lack of outward signs cause behaviors to be misinterpreted and individuals may be seen as noncompliant, lazy, or manipulative. Studies have shown that 1 in 20 children may be affected by prenatal alcohol exposure. Following the training, participants will be able to:
Define the terms used to describe the conditions that fall under the umbrella of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), and the areas of the brain affected by prenatal alcohol exposure.
Identify characteristics of individuals throughout the lifespan with an FASD and the domains in which children and adults with an FASD struggle with behavior and developmental tasks.
List strategies and tools to working with clients and becoming FASD informed.
OVERALL OUTCOME: Attendees will identify three or more associated behaviors of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) over the lifespan and self-report that they have the tools to provide informed care and services in a non-biased manner.
Louise Brassard is a passionate advocate on behalf of the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) community. As Chair of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders New Hampshire (FASD NH), she works to raise awareness and educate community partners and parents on the lifelong effects of FASD. For over ten years, Louise has served as a Guardian ad Litem and Educational Surrogate for abused and neglected children, many prenatally exposed to alcohol and drugs. Louise serves as an advisory member for the Association of University Centers on Disability (AUCD) FASD Special Interest Group. She is a member of the Governor’s Taskforce for Perinatal Substance Exposure and serves on the UNH NH-ME LEND Advisory Committee. Louise holds a Bachelor of Science in Human Services and completed a Fellowship in Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities at UNH which focused on interdisciplinary training for leaders in the field of child health. In her spare time Louise enjoys hiking, biking and spending time with her husband, children and grandchildren.
Terri Clyde is a dedicated advocate and mom to five children ranging in age from 41 to 17. Her youngest child is her grandson who she and her husband adopted at age four and has been diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) along with other mental health disorders. Terri serves on the boards of the New Hampshire chapter of the National Organization of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (NOFAS NH), NAMI-NH Granite Oversight Board, and the New Hampshire Mental Health Policy and Advisory Council. She has been a keynote speaker and presented workshops for New Hampshire Children’s Trust and was one of the first to receive their Unsung Hero award. Terri’s life experience in raising a child with FASD, ignited a fierce passion in educating medical and mental health providers, teachers, and counselors on the lifelong cognitive and behavioral effects of FASD and its effects on individuals and families. Terri is passionate about advocating on behalf of the need for consistent, affordable, and available care for all. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and an Associate degree in Medical Assistant. In her spare time, Terri enjoys spending time with family, friends, and reading.
FEE: $30 which includes NASW continuing education.
2 Contact Hours Available
LADC/MLADC Categories of Competence: 5, 8, 12-17
CRSW Performance Domains: 4
NCHC/Northern NH AHEC will be providing CEs for physicians, nurses, social workers, and certified prevention specialist. Information TBD.
For more information contact Laura Remick, lremick@nchcnh.org