This training is designed as a refresher to those individuals working in the various roles at an Impaired Driver Management Program (IDCMP). For the first part of the program NH Department of Safety Attorney John Gasaway will provide an overview of the NH DWI Laws (including the arrest procedures, Administrative License Suspension (ALS) penalties, Interlock, and Field Sobriety Testing), in order to support IDEP instructors in their understanding of the laws for effective classroom delivery. Next Karen Estey from Community Improvements Association, a long-term NH IDCMP program, will provide an overview of the IDCMP components with the goal of increasing knowledge, proficiency and understanding for those working in the system as described in the He-A 500 rules. Susan Conboy, Counselor at Concord Hospital, will review the requirements for successful resolution of the “counseling” portion of the service plan. To conclude Susan and Bruce Blaney, Technical Specialist with the NH Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Services will outline the WITS electronic health record. WITS is the primary method of referral and ongoing documentation for impaired driver clients. As a result of this training participants will:
Analyze how the arrest procedures, Administrative License Suspension, Standardized Field Sobriety Testing protocols and the NH DWI Laws work in order to enhance effective instructor classroom delivery;
Describe the He-A 500 rules and their role within the IDCMP Program;
Explain the integral components of the Impaired Driver Care Management Program; and
Demonstrate how the use of the Web Information Technology System (WITS) electronic health record is used to provide optimal delivery and implementation of (Impaired Driver Service Provider) delivering services to IDCMP clients.
Draft Schedule
10:00 - 11:00 Prosecutor of DUI Cases - John Gasaway, Esq.
11:00 - 12:00 He-A 500 IDCMP rules & regulations update - Karen Estey, CRSW
12:00 - 12:30 Lunch break
12:30 - 1:30 Impaired Driver Service Provider - Susan Conboy, LADC, LCS
1:30 - 2:30 Navigating WITS– Bruce Blaney
2:30 - 3:00 Discussion, application & Q & A
TIME: 10:00-3:00PM
WHERE: Zoom (register to get the link)
COST: $60