The opioid epidemic has had devastating consequences on families across New Hampshire. The opioid overdose death rate doubled between 2011 and 2015 and has remained at that level since. For individuals still battling opioid use disorder, the effects on the brain are long lasting and difficult to overcome. The purpose of this training is to first understand normal physiology of the brain’s reward circuit in order to then better understand how opioids disrupt that circuit. The presentation will also shed a light on how opioids have an impact on craving, decision making, and overall human behavior. These changes can be long lasting and epigenetically passed on to next generations. At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to:
Describe normal physiology of the reward system in the brain;
Explain effects of opioid use on the brain’s reward circuit; and
Discuss opioids' long lasting impact on overall brain function.
TIME: 8:30-11:45am
WHERE: Zoom (register to get the link)