The goal of this workshop is to discuss the challenges and opportunities which naturally occur in any supervisory relationship and how to navigate through these when supervising peer support workers. We will explore the performance domains of the Certified Recovery Support Worker (CRSW) credential: Ethical Responsibility, Advocacy, Mentoring & Education, Recovery & Wellness Support and how these can lend themselves to the foundation of supervisory work. Participants will also understand the requirements to become credentialed as a CRSW in New Hampshire. An informed discussion around trauma, co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders and multiple pathways to recovery will be discussed to understand how these experiences can impact peer to peer interactions, as well as impact the supervisory relationship. Ethical challenges that may occur when supervising peers and how to navigate through these will also be addressed.
As a result of this training participants will be able to:
• Describe the requirements and process for becoming credentialed as a CRSW in New Hampshire;
• Describe the 4 performance domains relative to the recovery supports as well as be able to explain how to utilize the performance domains in the supervision of peer supporters;
• Identify naturally occurring opportunities to support peer supporters around their individual professional development;
• Identify ways to create mutually agreed upon goals in the supervisory relationship to improve client outcomes; and
• Identify and describe the stages of change model and its practical use as a supervision tool.
TIME: 8:30-4:00PM
WHERE: NH Audubon/McLane Center, 84 Silk Farm Road, Concord, NH
COST: $75